
Tradition and Innovation About Us Since 1927

By vertically integrating our entire production cycle, we can invest in developing and manufacturing fashion fabrics and offering apparel manufacturing services.

Commitment SUSTAINABILITY We strive to create innovative and sustainable fashion fabrics. And we are focused on achieving our environmental goals. Our mission is to accelerate our positive impact on the planet. Environment SUSTAINABILITY We are committed to promoting sustainable development and the responsible use of natural resources. Products SUSTAINABILITY Until 2025, our ambition is for 80% of our products to fit into sustainability categories. Community SUSTAINABILITY We create strong bonds with local communities, acting in different areas and needs, such as education, culture, entrepreneurship and support to significant causes, maximizing our positive impact.
01 Commitment
02 Environment
03 Products
04 Community

We create strong bonds with local communities, acting in different areas and needs, such as education, culture, entrepreneurship and support to significant causes, maximizing our positive impact.


We strive to create innovative and sustainable fashion fabrics. And we are focused on achieving our environmental goals. Our mission is to accelerate our positive impact on the planet.


We are committed to promoting sustainable development and the responsible use of natural resources.


Until 2025, our ambition is for 80% of our products to fit into sustainability categories.


We create strong bonds with local communities, acting in different areas and needs, such as education, culture, entrepreneurship and support to significant causes, maximizing our positive impact.


We strive to create innovative and sustainable fashion fabrics. And we are focused on achieving our environmental goals. Our mission is to accelerate our positive impact on the planet.



Fashion Fabrics

Discover our new collections and be the first to know our latest products.


Riopele brands

Look and fabric performance in sync to meet the demands of modern life. Think of an astonishing fabric that maintains the appearance even after wearing it several times. And an easy-care fabric that requires less washing and where iron isn’t necessary. So you don’t spend so much time on tedious tasks.


Create your fashions collections going beyond the linear system. With fabrics made from textile waste, there’s no need to use only virgin raw materials. Supported in the latest textile technology, everything you love to create can be done more sustainably than ever before.


Next-generation Çeramica fabrics. Made from recycled materials, including plastic bottles. So you can take advantage of new sustainable features without losing the best Çeramica technology.


A new standard of responsibility, from the selection of the raw materials to the design and production processes. The easiest form of taking your brand to the next sustainable level.


Staining doesn't have to be a nuisance. Çeramica Clean prevents soiling and water absorption. So the cleaning and the drying of the garment is a lot easier. And that piece of clothes that you love will still look stunning.